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Halo: Reach – Noch eine Erfolgsmeldung

…und zwar gibt es sage und schreibe 49 Achievements bzw. Erfolge zu holen. Halo: Reach hat es wieder einmal geschafft, die Fanbase im Vorfeld in Verzückung zu bringen. Normalo-Gamer fragen sich ohnehin wieso aber echte Fans wissen es eben… oder so ähnlich. Egal, alle Halo-Reacher, klickt weiter und schaut euch die Erfolge an…

Halo: Reach – Achievements/ Erfolge

The Soldier We Need You To Be N/A
Completed the Campaign on Normal difficulty.
Folks Need Heroes… N/A
Completed the Campaign on Heroic difficulty.
Gods Must Be Strong N/A
Completed the Campaign on Legendary difficulty.
A Monument To All Your Sins N/A
Completed every mission in Halo: Reach alone, on Legendary.
We’re Just Getting Started N/A
Completed the 2nd mission on Normal or harder.
Protocol Dictates Action N/A
Completed the 3rd mission on Normal or harder.
I Need A Weapon N/A
Completed the 4th mission on Normal or harder.
To War N/A
Completed the 5th mission on Normal or harder.
You Flew Pretty Good N/A
Completed the 6th mission on Normal or harder.
Into The Howling Dark N/A
Completed the 7th mission on Normal or harder.
Dust And Echoes N/A
Completed the 8th mission on Normal or harder.
This Is Not Your Grave N/A
Completed the 9th mission on Normal or harder.
Send Me Out… With A Bang N/A
Completed the 10th mission on Normal or harder.
They’ve Always Been Faster N/A
Cleared the 2nd mission without setting foot in a drivable vehicle.
Two Corpses In One Grave N/A
Killed 2 vehicles at once with the Target Locator in the 3rd mission.
Banshees, Fast And Low N/A
Hijacked a Banshee during the Reach Campaign.
Your Heresy Will Stay Your Feet N/A
Killed the Elite Zealot before he escaped during the 5th mission.
If They Came To Hear Me Beg N/A
Performed an Assassination against an Elite to survive a fall that would’ve been fatal.
Wake Up Buttercup N/A
Destroyed the Corvette’s engines & escort in under 3 minutes in the 6th mission on Heroic or harder.
Tank Beats Everything N/A
Finished the 9th mission on Legendary with the Scorpion intact.
Lucky Me N/A
Earned a Triple Kill while Jetpacking in Campaign, Firefight or Matchmaking.
Killed 7 Moa during the 2nd mission of the Campaign.
I Didn’t Train To Be A Pilot N/A
Killed 3 of the anti-aircraft batteries during the 8th mission.
Doctor, Doctor N/A
Used a Health Pack to replenish life after taking body damage.
That’s A Kinfe N/A
Performed an Assassination on an enemy.
I See You Favour A .45 N/A
Killed 10 enemies in a Firefight or Campaign session with the M6G pistol.
An Elegant Weapon N/A
Killed 10 enemies in a Firefight or Campaign session with the DMR.
Swap Meet N/A
Traded weapons with an AI ally in Campaign.
A Spoonful Of Blamite N/A
Killed 10 enemies in Firefight or Campaign with a supercombine explosion.
Be My Wingman Anytime N/A
Let a teammate spawn on you 5 times in an Invasion Matchmaking game.
Yes, Sensei N/A
Earned a First Strike Medal in a Matchmaking game.
Skunked N/A
Won a game of Invasion in the 1st phase.
What’s A Killing Spree? N/A
Earned a Killing Spree in multiplayer Matchmaking.
Crowd Control N/A
Earned a Killionaire medal in Firefight.
Knife To A Gun Fight N/A
As an Elite, killed 5 Spartan players in Matchmaking.
Score Attack N/A
Scored 15,000 points in Score Attack Firefight Matchmaking.
Firestarter N/A
Scored 50,000 points in a Firefight game.
Blaze Of Glory N/A
Scored 200,000 points in a Firefight game.
Heat In The Pipe N/A
Scored 1,000,000 points in a Firefight game.
Game, Set, Match N/A
Completed a Firefight set on Legendary without dying.
Make It Rain N/A
Purchased an item from the Armory that required the rank of Lt. Colonel.
The Start Of Something N/A
Reached the rank of Corporal in the UNSC.
An Honor Serving N/A
Reached the rank of Captain in the UNSC.
A Storage Solution N/A
Used the File Browser to upload a file to your File Share.
A New Challenger N/A
Completed all of the Daily Challenges in a given day.
Make It Drizzle N/A
Purchased an item from the Armory.
Cool, File Bro N/A
Recommended a file to someone.
Lemme Upgrade Ya N/A
Advanced a Commendation to a Silver state.
One Down, 51 To Go N/A
Completed a Weekly Challenge.

1. August 2010 | Autor: Maynard